Balayam Nail Rubbing Exercise Cures Alopecia, Hair Loss, Bald

Disclaimer! Following article is not an outcome of a medical research nor mentions any scientific evidence to support its claim. Subject below is controversial in nature and is completely based on author's personal experience. Before imitating on any of the following, please do consult a registered medical professional. Author of this article is neither a doctor, nor he is involved in any health related research studies. Whether to or not to trust material below is left to you. This is for your kind information to avoid consequences, if any, arising by using information published on this website.

 Following article is not an outcome of a medical research nor mentions any scientific evi Balayam Nail Rubbing Exercise Cures Alopecia, Hair Loss, Bald 1. What is Balayam ?

Balayam, a Yoga technique, was invented in India by ancient Rishi Munnis (Wise Sages) who were maestro Yogis (Yoga Masters) and Vaidyas (Doctors) of their time. These scholarly Indian ancestors who even excelled in science of Ayurveda and Human Physiology found Balayam as a simple solution to the most complex dilema of baldness. According to them, Balayam or Nakhancha Vyayam is a perfect cure for many hair aliments, it works without any special medicine and lotion, it works without disturbing the natural state of a complex human body.

 Following article is not an outcome of a medical research nor mentions any scientific evi Balayam Nail Rubbing Exercise Cures Alopecia, Hair Loss, Bald

Balayam is a union of two Hindi words Bal and Vyayam where Bal means Hairs and Vyayam indicates Exercise. In simple language 'Balayam' means an exercise for hairs. To be more specific, Balayam is an Acupressure therapy in which a person rubs his/her fingernails of both hands against each other to stimulate scalp's activities. This stimulation if done correctly, frequently and for a longer period of time is known to boost natural hair growth and cure MPB (i.e. Male Pattern Baldness or Androgenic Alopecia) observed in some men and women.

Balayam is an acupressure therapy in which pressure points beneath fingernails called as Acupoints are manipulated by applying appropriate external pressure. As like traditional Acupuncture Therapy here needles are not used to manipulate acupoints. Logically, it is not easy for needles to penetrate through the hard shell of fingernails hence rubbing is preferred over needles in Balayam. Rubbing evokes similar pressure manipulation like that of needles but without an extra pain and inconvenience. In short, Balayam is similar to Acupuncture but without any pain, inconvenience, therapist's help and treatment cost. Balayam can be practiced by anybody irrespective of their age and gender, don't require any special instruments, guidance and caution, and can be practiced anytime as per once's own convenience.

 Following article is not an outcome of a medical research nor mentions any scientific evi Balayam Nail Rubbing Exercise Cures Alopecia, Hair Loss, Bald 2. How Balayam Works ?

Nerves below the nail bed are connected to the scalp and regular nail rubbing stimulates blood flow and oxygen to the scalp. Frequent rubbing continuously stimulate the scalp thus rejuvenating hair follicles and enhancing hair growth by controlling DHT (Dihydrotestostrone) resulting denser, thicker and stronger hairs. Balayam even stops graying of hairs. It is also known to soothe head aches and heal neurological disorders of brain.

To most people Balayam (Ancient Nail Rubbing Exercise) seems like a joke at first but my experience says it's the most effective yoga for hairs. It is the best natural remedy to control hair fall and regain lost hairs. Balayam can be practiced by anybody irrespective of their age and gender. In many cases, it works slowly but gently, gives expected results only after a long regular practice of at least 6-7 months. To get expected results do nail rubbing exercise daily for an hour or in four sessions of 15 minutes each. People with high blood pressure should not practice balayam since it may aggravate their blood pressure.

 Following article is not an outcome of a medical research nor mentions any scientific evi Balayam Nail Rubbing Exercise Cures Alopecia, Hair Loss, Bald 3. Sapta Kriya - How To Cure Hair Loss Naturally ?

Do following exercises regularly in early morning for 6 months (1 year max)

to heal baldness and other hair related problems. Balayam has worked for me and my father. However, regularity is a must and very important to see expected results. You will notice its results after 6 to 7 months.

Balayam - An ancient miracle that has a nature's power to heal you perfectly.

Procedure (Seven Golden Rules) to Cure Hair Loss Naturally without spending any money. A Free Natural Cure For Hair Loss and Alopecia:-

1. Always wake up early say around morning 5 AM and then go for toilet.

Throw out digestive byproducts (Acids and Toxins) via Urine and empty your stomach.

2. Drink Fresh Lemon juice (lemon+water) and don't add sugar or salt.

Lemon helps you kill bad bacteria without killing Pro-biotic bacteria.

3. Go for a morning walk for 30 minutes.

Walking early morning helps you inhale 'Shudha Vaayu" (Fresh Natural Oxygen) given out by Trees.

4. Practice following Hairs Promoting Yoga Asanas.

1st = Do Pranayam For 30 minutes.

2nd = Do Tadasana For few minutes, then Verichan Kriya(3-4 Rounds, each round should have atleast 50 breaths), Vibhakat Hastpad Asana (Yogas For Maintaining Healthy Hairs)

For guidance, please watch video in point No.5 of this article.

3rd = Do Shirshasana For 5 to 10 minutes.

4th = Do Balayam For 1 Hour (The Most powerful Hair Regaining Secret.)

(You can even do Balayam for 15 minutes, 4 times a Day)

5. Before sleeping at night do following...

1st = Drink Golden Milk. Mix warm milk with a 1/2 teaspoon of sweet almond oil and turmeric.

2nd= Apply sweet almond oil on a scalp and do gentle massage for 1 minute.

I trust and use only this merk of Sweet Almond Oil...

(Buy Hamdard's Rogan Badam Shirin - 100% Pure Sweet Almond Oil)

6. Sleep early For at least 7 to 8 Hours daily.

Note! You must sleep and wake up early say from 10:00 P.M to 5:00 A.M in the morning. You must always sleep in a complete darkness with all lights switched off. This is very crucial since only in full darkness special hormones in the human body are able to repair and cleanse body cells naturally.

7. Last but very important principle for good hairs is that always wash your hairs only with cold and not with hot water. Prefer using a trusted merk of herbal Shampoo.

These 7 steps cured mine and my father's hair problems. I believe it will cure your hair problems too. Trust nature and yoga. Start living a stress free life by effectively planning your daily activities.

Please! Don't use Propecia (Finasteride), Rogaine (Minoxidil) and other similar drugs that harm more than they cure.

Trust Balayam! It works !!! You will get remarkable results after a year. Please do it regularly.

Regards, Gaurav (I'm not a doctor.)

Thanks To Guru Vaidya - Who told me this secret for free a year ago.

 Following article is not an outcome of a medical research nor mentions any scientific evi Balayam Nail Rubbing Exercise Cures Alopecia, Hair Loss, Bald 4. Learn Balayam - Balayam's Youtube Video ↓

Know more on 'Balayam' Ancient Nail Rubbing Technique at Balayam.Com

 Following article is not an outcome of a medical research nor mentions any scientific evi Balayam Nail Rubbing Exercise Cures Alopecia, Hair Loss, Bald 5. Powerful Yogas For Healthy And Beautiful Hairs ↓

Verichan Kriya is an important Yog Mudra performed with Padmasana or any other asana. It helps to strengthen the coordination of mind and body. Verichan Kriya accentuates the synchronized functioning of mind controlling nerves along with the spine. Tadasana helps to create space within the body, improving the functioning of internal organs. Tadasana improves respiration and digestion in the body. Tadasana helps to provide relief in visceroptosis and backache. Vibhakat Hastpad Asana helps strengthening the arms and limbs of the body. Vibhakat Hastpad Asana detoxifies the body through spiritual healing power of yog. Vibhakat Hastpad Asana directs the blood flow towards skull, providing healthy hair and skin. It also relives the body from tension and stress. For more details visit

 Following article is not an outcome of a medical research nor mentions any scientific evi Balayam Nail Rubbing Exercise Cures Alopecia, Hair Loss, Bald 6. Learn Sirsasana - Shirshasana Yoga For Scalp ↓

Shirshasana or Headstand promotes hair growth by increasing blood circulation to the head. This helps in pushing more oxygen and essential nutrients to the scalp.

 Following article is not an outcome of a medical research nor mentions any scientific evi Balayam Nail Rubbing Exercise Cures Alopecia, Hair Loss, Bald 7. Learn Pranayam - Pranayam Video In Hindi ↓

 Following article is not an outcome of a medical research nor mentions any scientific evi Balayam Nail Rubbing Exercise Cures Alopecia, Hair Loss, Bald 7.1 Baba Ramdev's Pranayam Video In English ↓

You can watch more free Yoga related videos on Rajshri's Youtube Channel

 Following article is not an outcome of a medical research nor mentions any scientific evi Balayam Nail Rubbing Exercise Cures Alopecia, Hair Loss, Bald 8. Why Balayam Don't Work On Some People ? ↓

Apart from not following Sapta Kriya, there may be some other main reasons like unhealthy scalp conditions.

You may have fewer noticeable and multiple scalp infections with symptoms like,

1. Painful and Itchy scalp inflammation.

2. Sores or Bumps on scalp as a result of eczema, dermatitis / rash or some undiagnosed infection.

3. Bursting and bleeding of these scalp sores while combing hairs.

4. Head Lice infection.

5. Fungal / Yeast scalp infection. Example Lipophilic and Malassezia fungus.

6. Undiagnosed and Scratched scalp wounds. These micro scalp wounds increase the risk of further infection to healthy skin and can damage hair follicles.

7. Oily scalp skin with excess sticky sebum.

8. Dandruff / Flaking of scalp skin due to microorganism called Pityrosporum Ovale.

9. Unhealthy Scalp skin as a result of some nutrient deficiency due to poor and unbalanced diet. (e.g Habit of eating junk foods.)

10. Lack of regular sound sleep and proper basic hygiene. e.g not washing hairs regularly.

11. Sudden mental trauma, routine stress and depression attacks.

All-in-1 World's most effective natural shampoo + most effective natural scalp cleanser + most effective natural hair conditioner + most effective anti-dandruff, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial lotion + most cheapest and patent free alternative to all modern shampoos and conditioners + Recommended by ancient vedic texts + 100% safe to use with no side-effects + 100% chemical and detergent free + 100% fresh and completely homemade medicine + A true natural herbal treatment for all (I repeat. Yes! For All) Scalp related infections and diseases is... (Any guess what it is?)

A weekly (e.g say on every Sunday morning before bath.) application of concentrated Lemon Juice on entire scalp for atleast 30 minutes (causes mild burning sensation but is easy to tolerate) followed by a rinse with warm Neem water. For adding shine and luster to your hairs you can apply either Shikakai (Acacia concinna) a natural hair conditioner or Raw Egg White a protein dense natural conditioner (con: strong odour). While sleeping (on alternate nights) apply Jaborandi (Pilocarpus Microphyllus) Hair oil (with atleast 10% of pure Jaborandi extract). The next night apply Sweet Almond Hair Oil for scalp nourishment. e.g On Monday night say you apply Jaborandi hair oil and on Tuesday night you apply Sweet Almond Hair Oil then again on Wednesday night you apply Jaborandi Hair Oil and on Friday you apply sweet almond oil, so on. 'Ascorbic acid' from Lemon Juice and alkaloid 'Pilocarpine' found in Jaborandi Hair oil are two very powerful natural scalp cleanser and Vitalizer. Sweet almond oil provides essential nutrients to healthy cleansed scalp. Sweet Almond Oil is easily absorbed by scalp without leaving any annoying residue. This method keeps scalp very healthy, moist and promotes hair growth.

I just Exposed!!! A "MILLION DOLLAR SECRET" most Pharma / Shampoo producing Companies don't want you to know.

After treating your scalp conditions follow Sapta Kriya and Balayam again. This time you won't be disappointed.

Recommended Brands: SBL Jaborandi Hair Oil - A 100% Pure Jaborandi Hair oil with 10% pure Jaborandi extract. Hamdard's Rogan Badam Shirin - A 100% Pure Sweet Almond Oil extracted from a special type of high quality almond called 'Maghz Badam'.

 Following article is not an outcome of a medical research nor mentions any scientific evi Balayam Nail Rubbing Exercise Cures Alopecia, Hair Loss, Bald 9. Mrs. Cindy G. - Slovenian Woman's Testimonial ↓

I'm extremely happy to announce that one of my readers got benefited by this article. Her name is Cindy Gredovich, she is a Slovenian woman.

Today 'Cindy Gerdovich' a 28 years old, married woman from Slovenia emailed me her recent hair photos. In this email she said, "My long and strong hairs are a result of Balayam. I'm finally convinced that great nail rubbing yoga works". To know more about Cindy, please read her comments.

 Following article is not an outcome of a medical research nor mentions any scientific evi Balayam Nail Rubbing Exercise Cures Alopecia, Hair Loss, Bald

 Following article is not an outcome of a medical research nor mentions any scientific evi Balayam Nail Rubbing Exercise Cures Alopecia, Hair Loss, Bald 10. Final Words ↓

Share and spread your divine knowledge with humanity, don't hide it for stupid, foolish and evil greeds.

Lets Love, Respect and Protect the glory of Mother Nature and trust her precious creations.

Believe in power of natural healing and divine ancient wisdom of our scholarly ancestors.

Wishing you all a healthy, prosperous and beautiful life.

Congratulations to Cindy and Thanks to all. Revised On: 4th August 2010 IST.

I repeat. "I'm not a Doctor" else "A former patient who once suffered from multiple hair problems".

Yours Sincerely, Gaurav Akrani.

Link - Balayam Ancient Fingernails Rubbing Exercise Reverse Baldness.


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